Chop suey is a well-loved dish common in many Houston-area Chinese restaurants. It’s also an incredibly fascinating dish in its own right.
If you’ve ever been curious about how this noodle and sauce creation came to be, you’ve come to the right place!
What does chop suey mean?

Chop suey means “odds and ends.” It’s a dish that got started as a way to use up leftovers from other dishes!
Of course, we promise when we make chop suey for you here at Alings’, we’re only using the freshest and finest ingredients. “Odds and ends” is about etymology here, rather than about what you’re likely to find on your plate.
When was chop suey invented?
Historians don’t know the exact date of invention, nor even where and who invented it. Various theories say it emerged in America in the 1800s.
One story says it was invented in New York City in the late 1800s by a chef serving Chinese diplomat Li Hongzhang. The diplomat asked his chef to create a dish that would appeal to both Chinese and American palates.
Another story says it came from one of the first Chinese restaurants in America during the Gold Rush, when an exhausted owner just threw together everything he had to serve up hungry miners.
But there’s another credible theory that does indeed trace the history of chop suey back to China. There’s a Cantonese dish called tsap seui, translating to “miscellaneous leftovers.” Chances are this is the base dish that emerged to become chop suey in America.
What’s in chop suey?

Chop suey can have many ingredients, but you’ll usually find:
- Stir-fried vegetables
- Some manner of meat
- Noodles
- Sauce
Because chop suey is meant to be a dish of “odds and ends,” you can always substitute ingredients when you make it at home.
We make ours with your choice of meats, a tomato-based gravy, and a bed of crispy noodles. We top it with a fried egg to give you that extra hit of comfort and protein. We also have a soy-based version.
What’s great about chop suey?
Chop suey is warm and filling. It’s a comfort dish that will make you feel full and happy for hours!
If you love noodles, you’ll love chop suey! If you’ve never had it before, be sure to try it out!
Do people still eat chop suey?
Every day! We serve a chicken version and a vegetarian version.
If you’re curious about chop suey, why not give it a try here at Alings’ Chinese restaurant? It’s a major favorite of many of our customers, and we think you’ll love it, too.
Order online or stop by our dining room today!